Our aging telecommunications infrastructure has forced us to compromise. Dropped calls and slow data is too often an acceptable part of our daily routine. In the home. In the car. We've become accustomed to unreliable connectivity.
While at Herbst Produkt, Will worked with the Wilson Electronics on a communication architecture that allows your cell phone to access communications towers to amplify your cell signal, up to 32x faster.
The system relies on a roof-mounted magnetic antenna, and internal booster and a cellphone cradle that delivers and further refines the signal to the user. Due to the multi-component nature and installation sequence of the system, it was critical that Herbst worked to simplify the engagement and make the experience seamless and simple.
Herbst created a visual design language for the WeBoost brand that is clean, refined, approachable and powerful and acts as a foundation to modernize the design DNA of this progressive technology as the brand evolves and grows in the future.